
We have always danced - in community or solitude, the body’s innate inclination to move to the music is undeniable.

Dancing strengthens and creates new neurological pathways and increases serotonin levels (the feel-good hormone) in the brain. It improves the mobility, flexibility, and stability of the body and improves balance.

Dance is my greatest teacher, medicine, and healer. It encourages me to peel off the protective layers built up over time, it allows me to get to know myself and reconnect with what truly matters. Dancing has freed me and inspired me to be a more awake human being, and it is my intention to share this gift and joy with people from all walks of life.


The invitation is to arrive exactly as you are, no matter your ability or condition. Together we breath, move, sense, listen, and trust as we follow the intelligence of the dancer and artist inside each of us.

Movement Medicine

Movement Medicine is an embodied energetic dance practice held with soulful music and gentle, clear guidance.