My work is about transformation. It is about feeling, listening, moving, and trusting as we alchemize our pain into art. I love bringing people together from different walks of life – creating a web of community to share and hold, to challenge and support, to witness and reflect. I believe in the importance of play and laughter – in allowing ourselves to feel pure joy.

The tapestry of our existence is woven through our stories, our emotional patterns, our DNA, our visions and our dreams. As you get to know your nervous system, heart, and mind you can integrate your life experiences, and create new patterns of behaviour and pathways that support your whole being. In taking accountability for those parts of ourselves that want to remain unseen, we bring to light that which needs to be transformed. 

Dive deep into embodied practices, connect with your inner wisdom, and foster personal growth.
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With deep trust, this work moves through me as I weave connected, transformative, and playful spaces for you to soften, release, and reconnect with your authentic self.

My medicine is to meet you where you are, as you are. My gift is to translate the language of the spiritual journey into a relatable and embodied form so that it may be understood and integrated by all.